Below I have listed resources that have either been useful to me in helping couples build awesome Christ-centered marriages or have helped me personally building my own Christ-centered marraige.

Yes, these links are affiliate links and I do get a commission if you order these products through these links. 

If you work through any of them and would enjoy having a professional come along side you to really make the lessons found in these resources personal give me a call. I’ve helped thousands of others, let me help you too!

Start your strategy session with Dr. Brad Larner today! 1-989-280-3685

The 5 Love Languages

When I work with the 5 love languages by Gary Chapman, amazing things happen.

  • Knowing which love languages are important to you if valuable.
  • Knowing your spouses love languages is a must.
  • Knowing that your role is to meet THEIR love languages while they work to meed YOURS is absolutely priceless.

Order your copy today!